Non Fiction

The text “The power of the mind” written by Malcolm Gunn explores the role of the brain and how different peoples brains, particularly their amygdala create different experiences and emotions to situations and environment due to past events that have occurred. The brain notices things for what they are, and the amygdala attatches your emotions to them. In this text Gunn uses language features such as word choice, contrast and …..

In “The power of the mind” Gunn chose words associated with danger and uncomfort such as unfamiliar, deadly, venomous, slippery, and damp to describe G’s feelings about the walking track that her and her husband were on. This word choice helped us to picture how her brain was perceiving her adventure. Her amygdala was telling her that this was too much and it was unsafe and she needed to get out. In addition to this word choice was also used to show her husbands reaction to their environment. Words such as magical, mellowed, pleasantly and mutual paint quite a different picture in our heads almost as if we are in another place entirely. G’s husband, the narrator of this story must have had good experiences with nature and bats in the past to be able to create this image of it for himself.

This leads us to the writer using contrast to show that the same thing can be experienced in different ways.

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